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mission trip devo

Hey team! Just 6 days until we leave for Guatemala!
How many of you have a “to-do” list?
How many of you have a very long “to-do” list?
Probably the most important thing on your “to-do” list (and mine) should be:
*prepare my soul
A YouVersion devotional says if we fail to prepare our hearts, “our mission trip may turn into just a trip.”


So, it is essential we prepare our hearts to serve God and serve others/each other… to love God and to love others/each other…
I am going to guess we all feel very excited and yet very anxious… all at the same time. So dear ones, take heart, you are going on this mission trip and this mission team for a reason!
God clearly wants you right where you are and doing exactly what you are doing. He is in control of all the details as you give Him total control of you.

So, as we pack, let us also prepare our hearts. Allow God’s spirit to fill you and His Word to feed you, so we can be His ambassadors to everyone we meet from ‘South of 60’ to Chicago to Guatemala and all parts in between.
Christ came to reconcile the world to Himself and He gave us this wonderful message to share with others… that they can be forgiven and reconciled to Him.

II Corinthians 5:20 “So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making His appeal (to the world) through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, ‘Come back to God!'” (NLT)

YouVersion says “In a general sense, an ambassador is an official who acts as a representative for a nation. The ambassador is called to reflect the official position of the country who gave him or her the authority. So, when we’re called ambassadors of Christ, it means that we are chosen to represent Him! He is the Savior, not us. We are on duty 24/7, always representing our Savior.”

Questions to ponder:
How can I demonstrate God’s love and compassion to those I serve?
In what ways can I be a good ambassador for Christ?

I Peter 4:10 “God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” (NLT)

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